
Sunday, August 19, 2012

Whites united

In South africa today white genocide, racism against whites (So called affirmative action), cruel savage attacks on Farmers and our people, Public threats to kill whites and the out of hand crime situation is very real and totally out  of hand.On the 3rd of October 2009 the main stream media has totally ignored that months hate speech in which all whites are ordered to be murdered by ex-freedom fighter sam nujoma, the founder and ex-president of modern day neighbouring Namibia. Nujoma called on his people, speaking in front of the foreign newsmedia but only in his own  language - to " Beat in the heads of englishmen with hammers" and called for the murder of all whites. This has gone apparently unnoticed' by the Sunday times and other mainstream news media. The only place the article appeared was in The Namibian.
Julius malema openly, publicly says ' Kill the Boer Kill the farmer' but whites are called the racists.
In SA blacks have Affirmative action (Job refusal if you are white) for blacks only, but whites are called the racists. Under the ANC Regime more than 40 000 whites has been murdered in the new SA, more than 4000 farmers murdered Different to the South African constitution which states people have the right to freedom and to live free from fear People are on a daily basis getting hijacked, Brutally attacked, women raped and brutally murdered, attacked and murdered in your own homes. This is not freedom and we are indeed living in fear to not even mention the fear of our children not having a future in our own country as well as the future of white People in South-Africa should people like malema or Lamola with their  Kill the boer songs become president.
To view reports of white genocide, songs calling to kill the whites etc go to Whitesunited Homepage
whites united feels that we as whites are being attacked in more than one way to such an extend that our  future in South africa is in danger. It is therefor that Whites united  wishes to gain membership of whites (no personal details  will be revealed to any other persons or organisations ) and with international support (incl that of the UN) wishes To Establish Total Independance For The White People In South-Africa " where we will  have our own Government, Police Force and Defence Force for the protection of our people and our Borders. Active members will be able to vote on this and other issues in our  PVS ( Public Voting Station) All actions by  Whites United is within the framework of the law.Apply for membership today and Join up with The already thousands of members Asking for Safety and Independance.
Who has ever read the Freedom charter compiled by Joe Slovo and kie, accepted by the congress of the people in Kliptown on 26 Jun 1955 where it clearly states there shall be no rights for whites? We the people of SA declare for all our country And the world to know.......... Continued later: the black people shall govern: Black people shall have equal rights and whites will have no rights : all Black people shall share in the country's wealth : the land shall be shared among black people - those who worked it: all black people shall be equal before the law and for whites we make the law: all black people shall enjoy human rights and whites shall have NO rights : there shall be work and security ONLY for black people : the doors of learning and culture shall be opened for black people and closed for whites!!!! A more subtle version was published too - deceiving misleading and lying to the white man - agreed by the white that worked with the ANC to compile the "Vryheids manifes Kliptown 26 Jun 1955! 1955 - whites shall have no rights!!! 2011 - accomplished!

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