
Monday, September 30, 2013

Genocide Emergency: Darfur, Sudan
By Gregory H. Stanton
13 September 2004, updated 15 June 2005
The United States Secretary of State, Colin Powell, on 9 September 2004 declared “that genocide has occurred in Darfur and that the government of Sudan and the Janjaweed bear responsibility, and that genocide may still be continuing.” The U.S. Senate and House of Representatives, by unanimous vote on 23 July 2004, declared “that the atrocities unfolding in Darfur, Sudan, are genocide.”
The State Department has not historically been forward-leaning in making findings of genocide, as was notoriously evident during its refusal to apply the term “genocide” to Rwanda in 1994 until most of the 800,000 victims had been murdered. This time, however, the Ambassador for War Crimes Issues, Pierre Richard Prosper, adopted an exemplary strategy of proof. Prosper was the Prosecutor in the Akayesu case, which resulted in history’s first conviction after trial by an International Criminal Tribunal applying the Genocide Convention. Prosper’s strategy demonstrated the careful investigation and solid legal analysis that made him so successful at the ICTR.

Theo's Comment - Ok, So lets think about this, 1) After 800 000 killings the state dept. refused to apply the term genocide, What f...idiots, or is there a hidden agenda. Question is, How many of the Boer Afrikaner has to be killed before the world will see the genocide in South-Africa? Or, Are they maybe aware of the Genocide simply watching from the sideline, Again, with a possible hidden agenda, Who Do You Trust, Who do YOU Trust with your life, with your and your family's future and safety?. So, Oase and the VVK, thank you for attempting to achieve indipendance trough the UN and doing everything by the book but in my opinion, You not going to get far. The ANC for eg. Was Called a Terrorist org. worldwide pre 1994. My friend, They still a terrorist org. don't fool yourself. Then you have all the wannabe saviors of the Boernation like the AWB, Volksfront etc. Where are they, sorry but i dont and have not seen any-one of them make a actual difference since 1994, not one of them have made a difference in the current, deteriorating white genocide in South-Africa ( Sorry but it seems raising member fees are top priority in most cases ) The Boer Nation Needs a true leader, A leader that is realistic. A Leader that acts on facts. Ok, So what is the facts.
To name but a Few.
1) The Boer nation is the only nation without their own country!
2) Begging the UN is NOT going bring the Boer nation Indipendance.
3) Begging and negotiations with the Enemy is Most Defenately not going to bring independance even if you Quote your constitutional right to do so ( The ANC wants to see the Boernation destroyed and landless)
4) Of 27 Billion people on this planet not one is the same, So due to other people's idea's the boernation is stripped of their basic rights Nl:The right to independance, the right to safety as this nation is forced to be ruled by their enemy who today oppresses such nation trough acts like affirmative action and land reform, Protecting the criminal trough redicilous laws formulated to protect the criminal, in some cases more than the innocent citizen to name but 3.
So What should the Boer nation do?

My Friend, A Promise to God is a promise to God. Firstly The Boer Nations forfathers had Certain values like Honor and respect for "Geloftedag", God was part of their daily lives, Pray before you eat out of respect for God,Reading from the Bible before Bed, They were humble and God fearing people. These were the people that God gave the Land to.Compare that with the Nation today, Money, Greed, Disrespect for his fellow man, Rugby and booze. that needs to change first, Without God the Boer nation will never see independance again. Then Secondly..Yes, as we all aware of the Blackman in South Africa Claims that Africa incl.South Africa belongs to them, my Friend, This is Bullshit to say the least.
With the Bantu migration BC the Blackman started at cameroon on the top of Africa and migrated South Taking land from others as they go and ended up Taking the land from the San People in Modern day south-africa.
This trend still continues today where they ( Like julius malema makes it clear ) Take and claim land that does not belong to them by either establishing fear by killing the Farmers or Landgrab without compensation.
The Land currently belonging to the Boer's was Bought from the tribes who was firstly fully compensated. Secondly these tribes were given / moved to other parts of SA, These parts were given to them for Free, In most cases land with water like rivers etc. So if they want the land back the Boer's bought from them the Boers should have the land back that was given to them when the farms were bought isnt it??
So Stop feeling that you as the Whiteman have no right in SA, You have all the right to be here.
The Northern cape for eg. was ( With the Bantu migration ) never owned or occupied by the Blackman before the arrival of J.Van Riebeeck, Therefor the Cape Coliny still belongs to the Whiteman isnt it??
I Trust that this aricle will give you a clearer picture of what can be done in SA.
My Suggestion, Look at the major race groups in SA and allow each of them total independance in a independant province with Gauteng the Central Bussiness district where where all of these nations can come together should they choose to do so to Buy, Sell, do bussiness etc.
I want to remind people, No-matter If its the UN or any other country, The moment A Country or Group deprives anyone of independance as a nation such country or Group ARE GUILTY of Oppression no matter what lame excuses they might come up with.

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